Torino - aicc

On-site registration is closed. The deadline for on-line registration is extended to 18th November


Dissecting metabolic circuitries in cancer cells and microenvironment:

how to learn from bad lessons to develop new therapeutic opportunities

The tumor cell and its microenvironment, including the stroma, the vascular component and the immune infiltrate, are linked by multiple cross talks that allow the adaptation of the cancer cells to unfavorable conditions, such as hypoxia, nutrient deprivation, cytotoxicity induced by radiotherapy and chemotherapy, host’s immune system recognition.

In this meeting, internationally recognized speakers will discuss the complexity of the metabolic changes that occur during tumor transformation, progression, and acquisition of resistance to therapy. The metabolic circuits established between the tumor cell and the microenvironment, leading to the selection of more aggressive and resistant clones, will be dissected and analyzed, with the final goal to identify new predictive and prognostic biomarkers for patient’s stratification and new therapeutic targets.

Recently, genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics have significantly improved the diagnostic accuracy and the therapeutic approach to the oncological patients, increasingly leading to personalized diagnoses and treatments. The metabolomics is an indispensable complement to the other “omic” techniques, if integrated with “omic” and single-cell imaging, flow-cytometry or molecular-biology-based assays, currently used at preclinical and clinical levels.

In the era of high-throughput techniques at the service of biomedical research and precision medicine, great importance will be given to the most innovative technologies that allow the metabolic mapping of each cancer and/or the generation of in vitro metabolic “avatars” of the individual patient, to make the stratification procedure and the efficacy of therapeutic treatment more and more accurate. The most relevant brands in the field will be present at the meeting, illustrating the latest innovations in a dedicated technical session.

We believe that the meeting will be highly attractive for a broad spectrum of scientists, working in basic and translational research, as well as in clinic units. Besides the presence of world-class speakers, the AICC meeting continues its long tradition of involving your researchers, dedicating slots for oral communications and posters. The best works presented by young scientists will be awarded by special prizes.

forward to seeing you all!

Prof. Michele Caraglia
AICC President   

Prof. Chiara Riganti
AICC Board member
Meeting Organizer                                                                                

Day 1 - 22 November

Day 2 - 23 November

Day 3 - 24 November


Patrizia Agostinis, UCL Louvain, Louvain, Belgium

Fatima Baltazar, University do Minho, Porto, Portugal

Luca Cardone, CNR/IRCCS Istituto Regina Elena, Roma

Daria Capece, Universotà de L’Aquila

Alessandro Carrer, Veneto Institute of Molecular Medicine (VIMM), Padova

Ferdinando Chiaradonna, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, Milano

Paola Chiarugi, Università degli Studi di Firenze

Cyril Corbet, UCL Brussels, Belgium

Giannino Del Sal, IFO/Università degli Studi di Trieste

Franca Esposito, Università Federico II, Napoli

Christian Frezza, MRC/University of Cambridge, UK

Giuseppe Gasparre, Università degli Studi di Bologna

Eyal Gottlieb, Technion University, Haifa, Israel

Emilio Hirsch, Università degli Studi di Torino

Massimiliano Mazzone, UCL Louvain, Louvain, Belgium, and Università degli Studi di Torino

Anna Maria Porcelli, Università degli Studi di Bologna

Claudia Piccoli, Università degli Studi di Foggia

Nadia Raffaelli, Università Politecnica delle Marche

Sara Sdelci, Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, Spain

Carlos Sebastian, University of Barcelona, Spain

Tiziano Serra, AO Foundation, Davos, Switzerland

Antonio Sica, Fondazione Humanitas, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale

Pierre Sonveaux, UCL Louvain, Louvain, Belgium

Saverio Tardito, Beatson Research Institute, Glasgow, UK

Registration Fees

Registration Fees Meeting fee (VAT included)
On-site attendance (maximum 100 participants)
200 euro
On-line attendance (no limit of participants)
150 euro
PhD students, students of medical specialization schools, undergraduate students (both on-site/on-line) *
75 euro
PhD students of the School of Health and Life Sciences, students of School of Medicine, University of Torino (both on-site/on-line) **
Free admittance

* Please provide a certificate of your status of student along with the payment receipt to: aicc.meeting[at]gmail.com

** To register: do not use the link to the Google form, but send the “Registration form for UNITO students” (from: https://www.aicc.website/), with a certificate of your enrollment in the PhD School of Health and Life Sciences , or School of Medicine, University of Torino, to: aicc.meeting[at]gmail.com.

The first 20 registered students from University of Torino have the possibility to attend on-site; from the 21st registration, online attendance is possible (with no limit of participants).

Please notice that in case you have chosen to attend onsite and you change this option/would not be able to attend, you can attend online, but AICC cannot pay back the difference between the onsite and the online fee.

Registration to the meeting includes:

– Admission to all meeting sessions and meeting online material

– Abstract book file (PDF)

– Attendance certificate

– Conference kit

– Coffee break, light lunch

Registration without payment is not considered valid.


Bank transfer to:

Associazione Italiana di Colture Cellulari


L’Aquila, agenzia 10, Via Campo di Pile, 67100 L’Aquila (AQ)

Reason for payment (causale): please, indicate your surname, name and title of the event.


Opening: 1st October 2021 – Deadline: 10st November 2021

For all participants except UNITO students, please use this link:


Please note that this is a provisional registration; the registration will be confirmed after completing the payment and sending the receipt of the payment to: aicc.meeting[at]gmail.com

To participate to the meeting is required a valid AICC membership. Membership is free for the year 2021.

Membership request forms are available at the following link: 

Participants will be informed of the selection by 15th November, 2021.

The deadline to submit poster+ flash presentation is 18th November


For UNITO students:

do not use the above link, but send the “Registration form for UNITO students”, along with a certificate of your enrollment in the PhD School of Health and Life Sciences or School of Medicine, to: aicc.meeting[at]gmail.com



Registration and asbtract submission Registration and asbtract submission
1 october 2021
10 november 2021

Michele Caraglia, Università Vanvitelli di Napoli, Naples (IT)

Stefania Meschini, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome (IT)

Board of Directors
Massimo Donadelli (Secretary), University of Verona, Verona (IT)

Francesca Zazzeroni (Treasurer), University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, (IT)

Enrico De Smaele, La Sapienza University of Rome, Rome (IT)

Maria Teresa Di Martino, “Magna Graecia” University, Catanzaro, (IT)

Chiara Riganti, University of Turin, Turin, (IT)

Katia Scotlandi, (past President) IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna, (IT)

Meeting secretariat
Enrico De Smaele

Evelin Pellegrini

Event technical support
Xenia Eventi xeniaeventi[at]gmail.com

On-site Secretariat

Joanna Kopecka

Iris Chiara Salaroglio

Chiara Riganti

Federico Bussolino

Paola Cappello

Andrea Graziani

Joanna Kopecka

Letizia Lanzetti

Miriam Martini

Franco Novelli

Evelin Pellegrini

Fabio Penna

Paolo E. Porporato

Luca Primo

Guido Serini


University of Torino

School of Medicine, University of Torino

MD/PhD Program of the School of Medicine

PhD School in Health and Life Sciences, University of Torino

PhD program in Molecular Medicine

PhD program in Biomedical Sciences and Oncology

PhD program in Experimental Medicine and Therapy

PhD program in Medical Physiopathology

PhD program in Complex Systems for Quantitative Biomedicines

With the unrestricted grants of:


Preliminary program and relevant information

Abstract submission (active from 1 October (until 10 November))

Travelling and housing information


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