Enrico De Smaele graduated in Biological Sciences at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, obtained the Specialization in Microbiology and Virology at the University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy) and the PhD in Endocrinology and Molecular Biology at the University of Rome La Sapienza. He spent 4 years (1998-2001) as a research associate at the “Ben May Institute for Cancer Resarch”, University of Chicago, Chicago IL, USA.
He is currently Associate Professor of Technical Sciences of Laboratory Medicine, at the Sapienza University of Rome (Italy).
His research is mainly focused on the molecular basis of tumorigenesis, with an enphasis on the NF-kB and the Hedgehog pathways. Prof. De Smaele is co-author of 55 papers on internationally peer-reviewed journals (H index 31).