TRANSCAN II ERA-NET: Aligning national/regional translational cancer research programmes and activities

The Third Joint Transnational Call for Proposals 2016 (JTC 2016)


Lo scopo del programma è promuovere una approccio collaborativo transnazionale tra gruppi di ricerca impegnati nella ricerca traslazionale in ambito oncologico, pharm al fine di:

– evitare la duplicazione delle attività e assicurare così un uso più efficiente delle risorse disponibili;

– produrre risultati di alta qualità e impattanti;

– condividere dati e infrastrutture.


“Minimally and non-invasive methods for early detection and/or progression of cancer”.

Minimally invasive methods refer to techniques that have limited physical damage, burden and pain associated with the detection method, resulting in less anticipated stress, a higher screening/clinical care uptake, and more efficient and cost-effective screening and care. The studied methods should be sensitive for early detection of cancer, its staging and prediction of progression. Examples are: individual or combination of molecular, immunochemical, proteomic or genetic markers in body fluids and blood or cell samples, as well as macroscopic, microscopic and molecular imaging techniques (e.g. improved ultrasound technology, molecular imaging with contrast agents, fluorescence imaging, radiolabelling).

Aree tematiche

I proposal dovranno essere focalizzati su almeno una delle seguenti aree di ricerca:

1. Risk stratification to distinguish groups by susceptibility for development or progression ofcancer based on molecular biomarkers and established cancer risk factors, such as age, medical history, anthropometrics (e.g., body mass index, waistcircumference), and lifestyle related determinants (e.g., diet, physical exercise, environmental exposure and medication);

2. Validation of multiparametric methods, using the combination of promising2 biomarkers (genomic, proteomic, metabolomic and imaging markers) to improve our capability for early detection or progression of cancer;

3. Improve clinical evidence of the minimally invasive methods.

Saranno esclusi i proposal che si focalizzeranno su:

– solo analisi di modelli preclinici (cell lines and animal models);

– trial clinici di fase III e IV.

Scadenze e info

La call avrà una valutazione in due fasi con le seguenti scadenze:

• 1 step – pre-proposals: 13 febbraio 2017

• 2 step – full proposal: 7 giugno 2017.

E’ già possibile presentare pre-proposal registrandosi al seguente link:

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