34th AICC ANNUAL CONFERENCE – Organoids models of human diseases





Organoid technology currently represents a fundamental tool for both basic and translational research.

Their potential to faithfully recapitulate human disease is the key for biomedical research in the present and in a near future.

The aim of this congress is to gather national and international experts in the field to provide updated knowledge on organoids as models of human diseases.

Prof. Michele Caraglia
AICC President   

Day - 1 December

Day 2 - 2 December

Day 3 - 3 December


Adriana Eramo, ISS, Rome (Italy)
Alex Calon, IMIM, Barcelona (Spain)
Carminia Della Corte, University of Campania, Naples (Italy)
Enza Lonardo, CNR Naples (Italy)
Evzen Amler, Charles University of Prague (Czech Republic)
Floriana Morgillo, University of Campania, Naples (Italy)
Gabriella Minchiotti, CNR Naples (Italy)
Lorenza Lazzari, University of Milan (Italy)
Luca Tiberi, University of Trento (Italy)
Matteo Porotto, University of Campania, Naples (Italy)
Maurilio Sampaolesi, University “La Sapienza”, Rome (Italy)
Meritxell Huch, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
(MPI-CBG), Dresden (Germany)
Nathalie Vergnolle, IRSD, Toulouse (France)
Nunzio del Gaudio, University of Campania, Naples (Italy)
Silvia Di Angelantonio, University “La Sapienza”, Rome (Italy)
Silvia Giordano, University of Turin (Italy)
Theo Ribierre, University of Geneva (Switzerland)
Vincenzo Corbo, University of Verona (Italy

Registration Fees

Registration Fees Meeting fee (VAT included)
On-site attendance
200 euro
On-line attendance
150 euro
PhD students, undergraduate students (both onsite/on-line)*
75 euro
PhD students Unicampania
Free admittance

To partecipate to the meeting is required a valid AICC membership. Membership request forms are attached to this program and are available at the following link:

2022 AICC membership is free of charge.

Registration to the meeting includes:

– Admission to all meeting sessions and meeting online material

– Abstract book file (PDF)

– Attendance certificate

– Conference kit

– Coffee break, light lunch

Registration without payment is not considered valid.


Bank transfer to:

Associazione Italiana di Colture Cellulari


L’Aquila, agenzia 10, Via Campo di Pile, 67100 L’Aquila (AQ)

Reason for payment (causale): please, indicate your surname, name and title of the event.


Please note that this is a provisional registration; the registration will be confirmed after completing the payment and sending the receipt of the payment and the students status declaration to: aicc.meeting@gmail.com

The submission of abstracts for oral presentations or posters is encouraged, particularly from early-career researchers.
Registration to the meeting is required to submit an abstract.

Deadline for abstract submission: 18/11/2022

The abstract form is available on the AICC website:

To submit your abstract, please send the filled abstract form to: aicc.meeting@gmail.com

Among the submitted abstracts, the AICC Scientific Board will select oral communications (10 minutes).
Participants will be informed of the selection by 22/11/2022

Guidelines for Preparing Posters

1. Presenters are expected to be at their posters and ready to discuss them during the coffee break/posters manned session.

2. Poster Size – poster size is 70 cm wide x 100 cm high. The organizers will supply material to attach the poster onto the panels.

3. Poster Board Assignments – All poster boards will be numbered, please make sure that you place your poster in the correct location.

Opening meeting registration Deadline meeting registration
1 october 2022
22 november 2022

Michele Caraglia, University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”, Naples, Italy

Vice President
Stefania Meschini, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy

Past President
Katia Scotlandi, IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna, Italy

Board of Directors:
Massimo Donadelli (Secretary), University of Verona, Verona Italy

Francesca Zazzeroni (Treasurer), University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy

Enrico De Smaele, La Sapienza University of Rome, Rome Italy

Maria Teresa Di Martino, “Magna Graecia” University, Catanzaro, Italy

Chiara Riganti, University of Turin, Turin, Italy

Massimo Donadelli, massimo.donadelli[at]univr.it

Evelin Pellegrini, evelin.pellegrini[at]ior.it

Event technical support
Xenia Eventi, info[at]xeniaeventi.it

 from University of University of Campania

Michele Caraglia, University of Campania

Federica Papaccio, University of Salerno

Silvia Zappavigna, University of Campania

Angela Lombardi, University of Campania

Amalia Luce, University of Campania

Laura Mosca, University of Campania


AICC will also awards for best poster by authors younger than 35 years of age.

AICC will also awards for best poster (flash presentations) by authors younger than 35 years of age.

With the unrestricted grants of:


Travelling and housing information


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