1st International and 32nd Annual Conference of Italian Association of Cell Culture


From Single Gene Analysis to Single Cell Profiling:
A New Era for Genomic Medicine

Molecular profiling of DNA and RNA has provided valuable new insights into the genetic basis of non-malignant and malignant disorders. These advances have important implications for future research as well as clinical practice in areas such as molecular diagnostics, gene/pathway-directed targeted therapy, which in turn could drive drug discovery. It is well known that both inherited and somatic genetic alterations contribute to disease predisposition and progression, but also shape responsiveness to therapy and treatment complications.

Recent technological advances have enabled the analyses of genomic and epigenomic variation in a comprehensive, high-throughput fashion using next generation sequencing (NGS). NGS has radically transformed cancer research, showing that each tumor type typically exhibits distinct constellations of genetic alterations targeting one or more key cellular pathways that regulate cell growth and proliferation, evasion of the immune system, and other aspects of cancer behavior. These genetic and epigenetic events have been identified and may now be used as prognostic markers or for monitoring disease progression and treatment response, as targets for new therapies, and in the seKng of genetic counseling and disease surveillance.

The conference wants to offer the participants the opportunity to match technological solutions and clinical needs in the era of precision medicine. From circulating biomarkers to mutational, transcriptomics and immunomics landscape, this year meeting will describe a panorama of the renewed plaNorms for personalization of therapy.

The meeting President
Maria Teresa Di Martino

Day 1 - October 1st

Day 2 - October 2st



Sabrina Arena, Istituto di Candiolo – IRCCS, Turin (IT)
Federica Berti, Thermofisher Scientific, Monza (IT)
Bruce A. Beutler, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (TX)
Luigi Buonaguro, IRCSS Fondazione G. Pascale, Naples (IT)
Daniele Caracciolo, Università degli Studi Magna Græcia di Catanzaro, Catanzaro (IT)
Michele Carbone, University of Hawaii Cancer Center, Honolulu (HI)
Pierpaolo Correale, Grande Ospedale Metropolitano, Reggio Calabria (IT)
Javier De Las Rivas, University of Salamanca, Salamanca (ES)
Francesco P. Fiorentino, Kitos Biotech/Gilson Italia SRL
Francesco Gervasi, Beckman Coulter, Palermo (IT)
Alice Giustacchini, University College London, London (UK)
Andrea Mafficini, University of Verona, Verona (IT)
Umberto Malapelle, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Naples (IT)
Mita Mancini, Qiagen, Berlin (DE)
Francesco Marincola, Refuge Biotechnologies, Menlo Park (CA)
Gerry Melino, Università Tor Vergata, Rome (IT)
Diego Muzzini, Carlo Erba Reagents, Milan (IT)
Renato Ostuni, San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-Tiget), Milan (IT)
Giuseppe Novelli, Università Tor Vergata, Rome (IT)
Massimiliano Pagani, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan (IT)
Werner Rodriguez, Becton Dickinson Italia
Andrea Ronchi, IRCSS Fondazione G. Pascale, Naples (IT)
Gianluca Rotta, Becton Dickinson Italia
Giovanni Tonon, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan (IT)
Claudio Tripodo, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo (IT)
Giovanni Vitale, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan (IT)

Local organizing committee

Emanuela Altomare
Mariamena Arbitrio
Daniele Caracciolo
Michelangelo Iannone
Marcello Maggiolini
Marco Rossi
Francesca Scionti
Pierosandro Tagliaferri
Pierfrancesco Tassone
Giuseppe Viglietto

Registration Fees

Registration Fees Meeting fee
(VAT included)
Annual Membership Total
AICC/GISM members – Entire duration
Non-members – Entire duration
AICC/GISM members – One-day registration
Non-members – One-day registrationd
On site registration
Undergraduate and PhD Students

The participation to the conference is reserved to AICC and GISM members. Registration fees include:
– Admission to all meeting sessions and exhibition area
– Abstract book
– Attendance certificate
– Conference kit
– Coffee break, light lunch
*Please indicate any food intolerance on the registration form.
Registration fees do not include travel and accommodation costs.
The registration form and payment details are available online at the link: www.aicc.website
Registration without payment is not considered valid.
The maximum number of participants is 160.

Additional information

Language: the meeting official language is English

Slides: slides must be written in English, and should be handed to the slide centre one hour before the beginning of each session. Computer video projection will be available in Power Point format.

Attendance certificate: a certificate of attendance will be sent to all participants at the end of the meeting.

Meeting WiFi: UMG ospiti – KEY WPA2: 3333333333 (10 times 3)
User: aicc.umg Password: Aicc.umg19

Abstract submission

The Scientific Committee encourages all participants to submit their work to be considered for oral or poster presentation. All works should be submitted as 350 words abstract indicating the author’s preference for oral versus poster presentation.

Among the participants, n.6 posters will be selected for oral presentation. The Scientific Committee will select the oral presentations.

Abstract submission opens June 17th, 2019
Abstract submission closes Aug 23th, 2019

Each author can be the Presenting Author of one abstract only. For each accepted abstract, at least one of the authors has to be registered to the conference.

Submitted abstract should focus on the following topics:

  • Biomarkers in malignant and non-malignant disease
  • Cancer genetics, genomics and epigenetics
  • Cancer immunotherapy
  • Cell metabolism
  • Gene/pathway-directed targeted therapy
  • Genetic screening
  • Mechanisms of metastatic spreading
  • Trascriptomics
  • Tumor-associated immune and stromal cells


AICC will award a number of prizes for best oral or poster presentation by authors younger than 35 years of age. Each award is worth 500 euros.

One 500 euro prize will be awarded to the best poster presentation by an author younger than 35 years of age by the Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research.

Social Events

All participants will be admitted to a guided tour of Catanzaro old city. This will be followed by a social dinner held in the beautiful San Giovanni Terrace.

Abstract submission Early bird payment Online registration
23 Aug 2019
29 sept 2019
29 sept 2019

Michele Caraglia, Università Vanvitelli di Napoli, Naples (IT)

Stefania Meschini, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome (IT)

Board of Directors and Secretary
Massimo Donadelli, Università di Verona, Verona (IT)

Board of Directors and Treasurer
Francesca Zazzeroni, Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, L’Aquila (IT)

Board of Directors
Maria Teresa Di Martino, Università Magna Græcia, Catanzaro (IT)
Chiara Riganti, Università di Torino, Turin (IT)
Enrico De Smaele, Università La Sapienza, Rome (IT)

Past President
Katia Scotlandi, IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna (IT)

Massimo Donadelli (massimo.donadelli[at]univr.it)

Evelin Pellegrini (evelin.pellegrini[at]guest.iss.it)

Meeting e-mail:

Under the patronage of

With the unrestricted grant of AICC supporters

How to reach the meeting venue

From Lamezia Terme International Airport: it takes a 35 minutes-drive to reach Università Magna Graecia from Lamezia Terme International Airport (SUF).
From the airport, take SS280 towards Catanzaro, proceed until the exit for Germaneto, and continue onto Viale Europa till the University Building. Alternatively, take the bus to either Germaneto, Catanzaro or Catanzaro Lido. Several bus services are available from Monday to Saturday: for more details on timetables and fees, visit https://lameziaairport.it/trasporti/. A local public shuttle connects the airport to Lamezia Terme Centrale railway station.
For timetables, visit http://www.lameziamultiservizi.it
From Lamezia Terme Centrale Railway Station: take the train to either Catanzaro or Catanzaro Lido. For timetables, visit www.trenitalia.it

From Catanzaro Railway Station:
-by public transportation: take either one of the buses U1/U2/U3/U4/U5 towards «CAMPUS».
Info on www.amcspa.it
-by car (15 min): take SS280 towards Lamezia Terme, proceed until the exit for Germaneto, and continue on to Viale Europa until the University Building.
From Catanzaro Lido Railway Station:
-by public transportation: take the U1 bus towards «CAMPUS». Info on www.amcspa.it
-by car: take Strada Provinciale 48 towards Catanzaro until the intersection with Viale Europa, proceed on Viale Europa until the University Building.

From Soverato (25 min): take the Ionian highway 106 northwards up to the intersection with Catanzaro Lido, take a turn towards Lamezia Terme and con’nue onto Viale Europa.
From A3 motorway (Salerno-Reggio Calabria): take the exit for Lamezia Terme/Catanzaro, proceed along SS208 towards Catanzaro until the exit for Germaneto and continue onto Viale Europa.



Abstract submission (OPEN 17 June 2019 - CLOSE 23 Aug 2019)

Early registration (CLOSE 29 September 2019)


Hotel Niagara Accomodation

Hotel Palace Accomodation


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