[7-8 June 2021Cell to cell delivery in cancer and therapy: a matter of carriers and messages
[7-8 June 2021Cell to cell delivery in cancer and therapy: a matter of carriers and messages
[15 ottobre 2020] Il topic dell’evento sarà incentrato su tematiche di ricerca scientifica biomedica in ambito fisiopatologico che prevedano l’uso delle colture cellulari.
[18 maggio 2019] Lo scopo del convegno è di presentare in un ambito scientifico-divulgativo i progressi ottenuti nel cancro riguardo la prevenzione, la diagnosi precoce e il trattamento che hanno portato benefici ai pazienti oncologici.
[19-20 June 2019] The conference will deepen the mechanisms of interaction between new chemical biological formulations and biophysical systems to improve the transport of drugs in normal and tumor cells.
[1-2 july 2019] The conference will illustrate several applications of mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics and metabolomics analysis to the study of cancer.
[1-2 oct 2019] Molecular profiling of DNA and RNA has provided valuable new insights into the genetic basis of non-malignant and malignant disorders as well as an increased understanding of basic mechanisms that regulate human disease.
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